Beyond the School Day
After School Clubs in Sheffield
We understand that flexibility around pick up and drop off is important to our families. Sheffield Girls’ provides before and after school clubs in Sheffield to care for our Junior pupils, as well as co-curricular clubs and activities for our girls to get involved in. It is open to all girls in the Junior School, five days a week, so you can choose whatever suits your schedule.
Why go to After School Clubs?
Our clubs allow our pupils to explore and have fun outside the classroom, and allows for a wider variety of pick up and drop off times. Our school clubs both before and after school allow for children to communicate with peers outside of the normal class environment, all while providing care for parents who have different work schedules. Read more about our clubs on offer here.
What time is Breakfast Club at School?
Our supervised Breakfast Club runs every morning from 7.30am in the Dining Hall. It gives our parents reassurance and flexibility when dropping off their daughter at the beginning of the day, and is offered free of charge. Food is prepared for the girls if they wish, a healthy range of options our pupils can pick from.
Can I join my child at Breakfast Club?
Our parents are welcome to join their daughters in the dining hall to share breakfast with them from 7.30am until 9am, and avoid rush hour queues in the process. They can choose from a wide range of traditional continental, and cooked, breakfast options and beverages all priced individually.
Tea Time Club - After School Care
Tea Time Club runs every afternoon from the end of school to 5.30pm, providing our pupils with optional after-school care. We offer a light tea in the Dining Hall, after which, our pupils can spend time completing their homework or participating in craft activities or games, inside and outside on the playground. Pupils taking part in co-curricular clubs can join after-school club whilst they wait for collection.