Why Us Example

Our Mission and Aims
Our aims
- At Sheffield Girls' we aim to nurture a love of learning and curiosity in our girls that encourages them to explore, question and challenge.
- We want our girls to be confident, to flourish and be ready to take their place, and make a difference, in an ever-changing world.
- We want our girls to be proud! Proud of themselves, proud of each other, proud to be forged at Sheffield Girls'.
"Teaching her everything so she can be anything"
We are committed to ensuring that talented and academically gifted girls from all backgrounds have access to an education at this school. We ensure that these opportunities are available through providing bursaries and running an active outreach programme.
Our Values
We have three school values: Positivity, Kindness and Courage.
We want our girls to be positive. Positive in the way they approach their learning, positive in the outlook on life, positive in their aspiration for the future.
We want our girls to be kind. Kind to others, kind to themselves, kind to the world they live in.
We want our girls to have courage. Courage to stand out from the crowd, courage to speak up for what is right, courage to push herself that little bit further.

Our Approach
The school's approach also reflects the values of the Girls’ Day School Trust. These are:
We always put Girls First. They are the focus of everything we do.
We are Fearless. We act and speak with conviction and commitment and we are not afraid of thinking differently.
We are Forward-thinking. We stay ahead through purposeful innovation.
We are a Family of schools. We support each other and share our learning across our unique network.