Snowdrops private nursery provides preschool education for boys & girls in a caring environment, in which to flourish their early years education and development.
Sheffield Girls’ pre-school teachers are devoted to delivering high quality and inspiring lessons that encourage enthusiasm and a desire to learn. Our vision is to nurture children with a rich learning experience through exploration, adventure, creativity and imagination, while supporting and preparing them for the next step in life.
Led by a qualified teacher, Snowdrops pre-school pupils will grow in confidence and develop social, physical and intellectual skills, whilst being educated in key themes of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) curriculum.
We understand the importance of children receiving the best possible start to their lifelong learning journey, and that is why your child will have access to specialist teachers and teaching facilities in music, performance, physical education and modern foreign languages enabling them to develop an early love of music, languages, sport, and drama.
Please note, from September 2021, Snowdrops Pre-School will become girls-only.