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Sheffield Girls’ welcomes Andrew Cropley MBE for an inspiring talk on education

‘One of the most precious things you can do is get young people to love learning’, were the words of Andrew Cropley as he spoke to our Year 12 Sociology students last week when delivering his talk titled, ‘Education; Purpose, Policy and Impact’. 

Andrew Cropley MBE

Andrew Cropley MBE






After serving in the Navy for 21 years, Andrew decided to follow his passion for learning and has now been working within education for over 17 years. In the 2025 New Years Honours, Andrew was awarded an MBE, having been recognised for his service to the community of Ashfield and Mansfield. Andrew credits his team at Vision West Nottinghamshire College for this achievement, he joined the college in 2019 as Principal and Chief Executive, and has made it his mission to transform the college into the beating heart of its community. We are thrilled to have been able to welcome him into our Sixth Form this week to hear his inspiring talk on education, and participate in an insightful Q&A with our students. 

Andrew spoke about changes to educational policy, inviting our girls to reflect and comment on how they think education has changed and continues to do so now. He further shared insights into the purposes of education in the socialisation and development of young people, exploring the importance and significance of vocational courses and widening educational opportunities beyond traditional academic subjects.






Andrew made the perfect guest speaker for our Year 12 students who, as part of their sociology curriculum with Mrs Bamforth, have been learning about and evaluating the education system. It was a delight to see students engage with Andrew, offering their own insights and questions throughout the session. 

Closing his talk, Andrew gave our students some excellent advice as they approach the next chapter in their lives:

“Follow what you love and enjoy – listen to good advice, work hard and invest in yourself. Stay interested in things and develop a lifelong love of learning – there are so many opportunities for careers now, follow your interests and passions – you don’t have to just work in one career”. - Andrew Cropley MBE

Our Year 12 Students pictured with Mrs Bamforth and Andrew

Our Year 12 Students pictured with Mrs Bamforth and Andrew


At Sheffield Girls’, we are proud to host a number of external speakers and guests, welcoming their wealth of knowledge and expertise into our school, and Andrew Cropley has been no exception. 

Andrew’s visit is an example of the extent to which we champion career exploration here at Sheffield Girls’ Sixth Form. Through educational talks and visits, our students are encouraged to be naturally inquisitive and aware of the breadth of opportunities available to them beyond Sheffield Girls'. 

Our 'Live Lunch' speaker series, alongside our Career Spotlight sessions, encourage pupils to explore different career paths and gain insight into the world of work from alumnae and guest speakers in a wide range of professions. If you'd like to find out more about being part of our careers programme and the opportunities available, click below. 

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