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Wellbeing Week

Our annual Wellbeing Week took place on 26 February - 2 March, offering a whole week of activities to students and staff to help us to beat the dark days of wintertime, banish the blues and look forward to spring. This year’s theme was fitness and health, both physical and mental, with a whole programme of activities designed to get us moving and shaking, trying something new, helping us to feel valued and restore our balance!

Despite many of the week’s planned activities being curtailed by the snowy weather, we still managed to fit in all sorts of activities from Zumba to kickboxing. We expanded our horizons with a Gap Year talk from Project Trust; We learned travelling songs with Ms Hall and had ukulele lessons with Mrs Wallace; we were treated to dancing lessons with help from Constance Grant Dance Centre and alumna, dance teacher Joanna Smith. We were challenged to ‘Hit the Bleep’, drank fruit smoothies and learned to sew, and on Tuesday, we dressed up for World Book Day, despite the snow!

We were also visited by White House Medical Group, who offered Health Screening, Physiotherapy and Sports Massage to the staff. (Secretly, the staff’s favourite activity was being served tea and cake in the staffroom by the Head, in the legendary ‘Val’s Vintage Tea Room’. What a treat!)

The fantastic Friday finale of Wellbeing Week was a Silent Disco in the main hall, to round off the week.  A house point was awarded for each event with Stanley taking the lead for participation so far, followed by Gurney, Shirreff and Grey.

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